Age of Empires 2
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings is a real-time strategy video game developed by Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft.It was released in September 30, 1999.he Age of Kings focuses on building towns, gathering resources, creating armies and ultimately conquering opponents by destroying their units and buildings.We provide you 100% working game torrent setup, full version, PC game & free download for everyone!
System Requirement
- OS: Windows 95/98/NT4
- CPU: Pentium 166MHz Processor
- RAM: 32MB
- HDD: 300MB Hard Disk Space
- Graphic card: 2MB Video SVGA 800×600 Resolution Card @ 256-colors
- DX: 9.c
- Installation Instruction:
- You must have 149.49 MB in your drive to save the file.
- To download torrent file, you will be required μTorrent. (Download μTorrent)
- Open “Age of Empires 2” >> “AOE2 Game” folder.
- Before playing this game Register Age of Empire by clicking “Register-AOE”.
- Then double click on “empires2-Play” and start the game.
- Start & Play!
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